Sunday, 29 January 2012

Hi, and welcome, especially if you've ventured here from 

I'm going to start by not labelling this as a daily, weekly or fortnightly thing, because I seem to have a different perception of time and timekeeping to most other human beings, and I'm regularly late for enough things as it is. So I'll just make a pledge to write here whenever circumstances allow and whenever the mood, or the muse takes me.

In fact, I don't get along with restrictions generally, so I'm not going to give it a subject or theme either. This will be a place of freedom and spontaneity, where I might write about life, writing, reading, nature, the arts, current events, reminiscences, or it could just be an outlet for the bizarre nonsense that spawns in my brain and mutates in my imagination. It could also get all interactive and avant-garde if you'd like to suggest topics to 
So call back soon, and bring a friend. I'll have the kettle on.

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